Income Generation

Poverty is fundamentally a spiritual issue … It will persist as long as the heart of man is ruled by sin. Our desire to see Christ’s kingdom come in all its glory allows us to persevere in caring for the poor.

Income Generation

Parents are critical to effective intervention on behalf of vulnerable children. Educating primary caregivers sets those little ones on a path toward healthy development — which is why Compassion incorporates a holistic, long-term strategy into its approach. That strategy is designed to equip parents to care for their families and themselves, and engage their community, with a healthy, biblical perspective. Compassion provides literacy lessons, as well as critical parenting and child development skills. It also equips them to provide for their families through contextually relevant occupational training that enables them to generate income. It paves the way for them become the people God intended them to be.


When Santos was invited to attend the “Elegidos de Jesus,” a school for parents, she didn’t quite know what to expect. With 60 other parents in the class, she learned how to raise her children in a loving environment, how to communicate with them more effectively, and how her marriage and stress impact the development of her children.

“I feel more confident and secure now in what I’m doing with my children since the workshop,” Santos expresses. Today, she is actively involved in her children’s lives, all because of the Compassion Parenting Skills fund and her local church.