Disaster Relief

There has not been one moment in all of eternity when Christ has not loved his Church to all the fullness of his infinite being.

Disaster Relief

Developing countries are often the world’s most disaster-prone areas, and for many people, disaster relief funds are their only source of hope and recovery. Disasters and crisis are especially hard on children, who are more vulnerable than adults, so giving disaster relief through a child-focused organization like Compassion can be especially powerful. Children have little resources and no voice, so they are not able to recover from a disaster without help.

Compassion’s Disaster Relief fund provides children and their families with basic necessities like food, clean water, shelter, clothing, household items, medical care and trauma counseling.


The Philippines is accustomed to strong storms, with an average of 10 typhoons hitting land each year. Super Typhoon Haiyan, however, would be anything but average. In the blink of a storm, more than 4,000 families of sponsored children were left without homes and without food. Compassion workers focused on relief first – immediate needs such as food and water. In the following months, Compassion focused on restoring lives with counseling, medical aid and income-generating assistance for families.

Because of donations to the Disaster Relief Fund, Compassion was able to help over 6,500 people in the months following Typhoon Haiyan.


Displaced in a Pandemic

Displaced in a Pandemic from Compassion International on Vimeo.