Church Mobilization

It is Christ whom we worship, it is his children we are called to love, and it is his Church we are blessed to serve. The Church is an unstoppable force. It is the only imperishable and eternal institution.

Church Mobilization and Discipleship

Compassion’s Church Mobilization and Discipleship initiatives equip thousands of local church partners with relationships, resources and tools to meet the spiritual, physical, economic and emotional needs of children in poverty. These efforts include launching new child development centers; upgrading or expanding existing child development centers; facilitating new church plants; providing support for unsponsored children; and distributing age-appropriate Bibles.


Between summer 2016 and 2017, 378 child development centers were launched; more than 41,000 Bibles were distributed; and 6 new churches were planted and developed.

In addition to this, 4 child development centers in Sri Lanka were able to expand their facilities. As a result, they were able to serve more than 700 children each week; improve learning opportunities for children; and improve their kitchen spaces to allow for preparation of healthy meals.


In mid-March 2020, much of the world ground to a halt because of COVID-19. Doors were shuttered, schools were closed, and relief was scarce. Bur our Frontline Church Partners were ready to take action. While many organizations were forced to cease operations for a time, our church partners increased their activity. Global response included:

  • Virtual lessons for children via WhatsApp, YouTube, radio and pamphlets
  • More than 3.9 million food packages delivered April – June
  • Nearly 2.5 million hygiene kits delivered April – June

Despite the challenges of the pandemic, our church partners were also able to:

  • Plant 63 churches
  • Launch 566 child development centers
  • Register 206,770 children to begin attending the Compassion program